ARCOS Riviera Blanc | Santoku Knife 14
ARCOS Riviera Blanc | Santoku Knife 14
  • Lenght: 140 mm
Please call for details.
Santoku knife is a multipurpose Asian style knife with a wide, razor sharp blade. The word Santoku is a Japanese word meaning "three virtues", perfect for: meat, fish and vegetables. It is characterized by its perfect balance and razor sharp edge. The hollows on each side of the cutting edge allow for less friction when cutting and allow food to stick less to the blade.

High quality PP blade multipurpose knife with 140 mm blade length. The blade is made of nitrium stainless steel. Simplicity at it’s best. Light yet durable. Perfect for everyday use. Exclusive, high usable and lasting NITRUM® stainless steel. The lightweight polypropylene (PP) handle is durable and is able to resist temperatures of up to 120-130 °C.
TC logo THERMOTECHNIKA CROWN COOL, s.r.o. – 941 31 Dvory nad Žitavou, Krajná ul. 2620, Slovenská republika
Tel: +421 (0) 911 277 482 •  
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Opening hours: Pondelok-Piatok : 7.00- 15.30 hod