226759 | Pizza oven PLUS 44 XL
226759 | Pizza oven PLUS 44 XL
  • Thermostat: +45...+455 °C
  • Voltage: 400 V, 50 Hz
  • Chamber dimensions: 720x720x140 mm
  • Capacity: 12 kW
  • Weight: 162 kg
  • External dimensions: 1000 x 844 x 745 mm
Net price
2 354,00 EUR
Gross price
2 824,80 EUR
– Stainless steel front panel
– Black-painted steel housing
– Mineral wool insulation
– Electromechanical controls
6 armoured heaters in each chamber (upper and bottom)
– Heater adjustment using independent thermostats
– Separate thermometer for each chamber
– Chamber light
– Ceramic (chamotte) slab chamber bottom
– Removable door with a window
– Oven top finished with a characteristic roof
- Oven dimension without protruding elements, e.g. handles and doors
  • 227169 | Floor stand for pizza oven Basic XL 44, 1000x844x860 mm
  • Net price 279,00,- EUR
  • Gross price 335,00 EUR
TC logo THERMOTECHNIKA CROWN COOL, s.r.o. – 941 31 Dvory nad Žitavou, Krajná ul. 2620, Slovenská republika
Tel: +421 (0) 911 277 482 •  
Website: www.tcslovakia.com • E-mail: info@tcslovakia.com
Opening hours: Pondelok-Piatok : 7.00- 15.30 hod