RIMANO-14 - Glass cleaner
RIMANO-14 - Glass cleaner
Product series
10 kg cans,  20 kg cans, 
  • Net price Prices of series of this product might have a different price! 34,22,- EUR
  • Gross pricePrices of series of this product might have a different price! 41,06 EUR
RIMANO-14 is a liquid detergent for cleaning glass and other glossy surfaces. cleaned vigorously, quickly, sparingly, and striplessly. RIMANO-14 can be used for cleaning all glass surfaces (eg windows, windscreens, mirrors), or porcelain or ceramic tiles, as well as on sensitive lacquered and plastic surfaces. Unruly, spray onto the surface to be cleaned and rubbed with a dry cloth. It is used to dilute with water from 1: 20 to 1: 6, after application, the surface is broken or replaced with a cloth. Clear, light blue foaming liquid. Store in original sealed packaging. It must be protected from frost and heat. It can be used on all waterproof surfaces.
TC logo THERMOTECHNIKA CROWN COOL, s.r.o. – 941 31 Dvory nad Žitavou, Krajná ul. 2620, Slovenská republika
Tel: +421 (0) 911 277 482 •  
Website: www.tcslovakia.com • E-mail: info@tcslovakia.com
Opening hours: Pondelok-Piatok : 7.00- 15.30 hod